Mero Gigante Project is a partnership of early-career scientists, conservation photographers, and fishers with a genuine interest in managing and conserving our natural resources, all interested in the giant sea bass research intersections.
Our main goal is to contribute to the sustainable use of our marine resources and promote actions to have healthy oceans, where giant sea bass and all species thrive.
We aim to provide technical information to inform fishers, managers, and lawmakers to develop evidence-based management and sound conservation strategies for the giant sea bass in Mexican waters.
We established a BINATIONAL network of scientists, civil organizations, and stakeholders interested in the giant sea bass research and management intersections.
We gather the most comprehensive and extensive database on the distribution and fishery of the giant sea bass.
We published a collaborative paper on the management, regulations, research efforts, fishery trends, and economic value of the giant sea bass across the U.S. and Mexico.
We are working on the re-assessment of the giant sea bass on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Assistant Professor. The University of Texas at Austin
Chair and Professor. CSU Northridge
Full Professor. UABC. Ensenada
Full Researcher. CICESE. Ensenada